Miley Cyrus Blow Up Doll? lmao, right?

I used to watch Hannah Montana all the time.... more like Handjob Mongina!

According to Kikster, these beauties were selling for $25 dollars. said these were flying off the shelves! I guess there are a lot of pervs that prayed to the god of sex, for a chance to score with Miley. Just knowing that she recently turned 18, makes everyone who bought this a pedophile. My daddy would flip a bitch if there was a Jackie sex doll... but some of his corporate friends would be ecstatic. I mean, ugh, I've seen the way they look at me... eww, you're like 40!

I don't understand why old men stare at young girls. It makes me feel uncomfortable with myself. By that I mean, it almost makes me feel ashamed I have DD boobies. I feel ashamed for my beauty; they don't have the right to fuck with my self-esteem! I'm like, 19 going on 25, I have no interest in saggy grandpa balls! Hell to the No, bitches! Speaking of sagging skin, this is why you should never get tatted from head to toe! Pick places that won't sagg, like calves.

With that, I totally sympathize with Miley. I wonder what her dad thinks? I'm sure Miley's dead grandmother is flipping in her grave. Wait... does she have a dead grandmother? Let's say great grandmother, just in case.

Bye bitches!

Jackie ^_^

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