Casy Anthony Halloween Mask - Hide Yo Kids, bitch!

Hey bitches,

If you thought Freddy Kruger and Michael Meyers were scary, wait til you see this!

EBay - bids are over $20k

That's right, a Casey Anthony Halloween mask. Could you imagine someone in a black hoodie running around with this mask on? I would need a change of panties... possibly two pairs. Honestly, that mask looks ten times better than her real face... has anyone else noticed how she's grown uglier over the years? I certainly have, she's scary-looking!

"Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife- cause they killin every body out here"

Don't you love the American Justice System?

Jackie ^_^

Fright Night 2011 - Irish Vampires vs. British Vampires

Hey bitches,

First, check out Colin Farrell's new movie trailer as a smokin-hot vampire in the 2011 remake, Fright Night.

So hot... so hot... damn! As you've already guessed (because my fans are smart bitches), I will compare it to Twilight. Fright Night was originally made in the 80's and will always be regarded as a classic vampire film... Twilight was written by a lonely Mormon housewife, who longs for any romantic contact from her husband. Now lets look at the actors: Colin Farrell has an impressive resume on his imdb page, Robert Pattinson... not so much.

Bottom line - Colin's vampire character Jerry doesn't sparkle, while Edward Cullen's dick was beaddazzled by Betty White.

Irish Vampires 1, British Vampires 0

Jackie ^_^

Breaking Dawn Honeymoon clip!

Hey bitches,

Thank you Comic-Con for giving fans the opportunity to leak footage!

Are you dead yet? Couldn't you just die?

Jackie ^_^

Lady Gaga's masculine photoshoot, Oslo bombing and shooting - Environmental Viking?

Hey bitches,

I literally just discovered Lady Gaga's manly poses for Vogue Magazine. I have no idea how this slipped by me, this isn't even recent... it happened a year ago.

Recently there was an attack in Oslo, Norway. At first a radical islamic group took credit for the brutal attacks; however, they had nothing to do with it. You can't take credit for someone else's insanity, I think that's called plagiarizing. Turns out the attacker was a native Norwegian, complete with blonde hair and blue eyes... and no, not a radical muslim convert.

He wrote and published an online manifesto, perhaps some clues are written in the pages... "dear diary, mood: homicidal". He had an interesting view on things, perspectives that usually don't go together. He was a Nationalist, meaning: he supports preserving Norwegian and European culture from being diluted by immigrants. However what doesn't fit, is his self-proclaimed environmental extremism. Those two things never go together, ever! He wanted to revolutionize Norwegian society with the images of dead immigrants... as if saving a tree meant more than human lives of any ethnic origin. However, he didn't murder immigrants (muslims)... his fellow Norwegians were the victims. "Why kill Norwegians" you ask... he hopes to punish Norwegian politicians (with guilt?), while encouraging the War on Terror. Perhaps he'll realize his own faults, he is no different from the radical islamic jihadists he despises.

radical jihadists+radical nationalists=chaos

The Oslo killer was an extreme environmentalist... in protest of this monster killing innocent lives, I will chop down a tree. Hey Al Gore, is this what you had in mind... you made so much progress! How could they doubt your Nobel Peace Prize eligibility?

Jackie ^_^

Remembering the Queen of the party: Amy Winehouse.

Hey bitches,

"It's not important to me to make other people at ease.
I am difficult, but that's because I don’t really give a fuck."

I'm truly sad, Amy Winehouse was one of my favorites. I can't say I was a devout fan of her music; however, I certainly didn't hate it either. We all know she has struggled with drugs and alcohol for many years. People have made fun of her, calling her names and smearing her. She needed your support and all you could offer her was judgement and condemnation. Clearly, she was in need of good friends that would love her no matter what. In this time of mourning, personal thought and spiritual reflection, put your judgement aside and remember this gifted individual.

On twitter Kelly Osbourne was very upset, they were close friends.

  Kelly Osbourne
I borrowed this picture from Kelly's twitpic page.
"I'm a musician. I'm not someone who's trying to be diplomatic, you know, trying to get my 15 minutes. I'm just a musician who is honest."

Amy, your talent will never be forgotten. #pray4amy

Jackie ^_^

Breaking Dawn at Comic-Con - Robert is scaring off Twi-hards!

Hey bitches!

Robert Pattinson shaved half of his head... half.

I was shocked... I almost buttered my panties with shite. This new look was for his recently wrapped film, Cosmopolis. However, he decided to keep the "half and half" look. Why? It is just me or did all his appeal fly out the window? In previous posts, I have proved why Rob's Twilight train has long since past. This is just another blog page in the list of "why Rob peaked in 2008 and won't recover".

The news doesn't stop there... some leaked Breaking Dawn footage is online. Here is the link to Perez Hilton's page, where more sex scenes can be drooled over. The anal leakage doesn't stop there, here is some Jacob+Carlise+Esme action.

Thanks Perez, you rock bitch :)

Jackie ^_^

Rihanna is see-through, Justin Bieber is a NASCAR driver, Kristen Stewart gets a fender bender and Miley Cyrus gets a new tattoo.

Hey bitches!

"Does my ass look fat?"

Some one's a whore... if she were at the beach, this would be perfectly acceptable. However, this is not the case. Is anyone else sick of her red hair?

"What can I say, I'm Canadian!"

Justin, you are not a NASCAR driver... please stop playing dress-up, you are such a poser.

"ughrefjdsgjgb have a good day!"

Opps, sorry Kristen! It looks like the chick with the ugly poop colored station wagon rammed into Kristen's mini, but I'm not sure. Either way, they're smiling at each other and no one is mad. This is great, perhaps Kristen is maturing after all.

Looks like Miley Cyrus got a new tattoo, it looks like a dream catcher... is she even Native American? I've always found dream catchers and totum poles creepy as fuck. Please don't give me shit... my dad is Cherokee and Blackfoot, bitches!

"Opps! I feel a movement, mom grab a bucket... this is gonna be one fat deuce!"
I don't think that hotdog was kosher...

"I haven't eaten real food in years. I think my stomach is gonna explode!"
Are you fucking kidding me?

"Look mom, no gag reflexes!"
No really... what are you doing?

"I dropped that deuce and now, I'm 5 pounds lighter!"

Jackie ^_^


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