Proper Protocol | Nobility Not Required

Hey bitches,

The End Of Era - Manners and Social Graces
It is disturbing and disgusting to walk down a street and pass an individual who has hacked-up a huge loogie the size of a fifty cent piece and spits it on the ground. Words cannot describe how rude it is for a few people walking on a sidewalk and when they are met by an individual who is traveling in the opposite direction to refuse to move or accommodate the other person, causing them to either completely stop or the option of walking into the street. It is equally disturbing to see violence in public, whether this may be verbal or physical abuse. Too often, people are witnessed screaming at each other. Too often, parents are witnessed miss-treating or abusing their children in public. It is common these days to see groups of individuals at the local malls who are so confrontational that they are looking for ways to express their anger and violence. It is trendy for many young girls and women to dress in provocative ways; this tends to advertise that they want to be treated like the women in the Hip-hop music videos, as objectified women. These are things we can easily observe in our modern-day society, which clearly displays that good manners, etiquette, and protocol have been lost. What is more disconcerting is these bad behaviors tend to occur even with friends, now. Kindness and fairness should be enjoyed among friends. Therefore, the group shouldn’t abuse the one person with money to pay for every outing and every meal, without gratitude. Apparently it is custom to invite friends over for the day, yet expect the guest to pay for the delivery pizza. What’s even more appalling is when the host keeps the leftovers. If this only happened one time, it would be unfortunate. When this type of bad manners and poor etiquette happens all the time, it is tragic. There is simply no excuse for such displays of poor manners and rude behavior. Most think that Royals alone practice etiquette and protocol, but I assure you nobility is not required.

I hope you learn something from the books I reccomend; otherwise, check yourself into a finishing school.

Jackie ^_^

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