5 Ways Strategic Planning is Like Blogging | BloggersCompete

Hey bitches,

I decided to submit my blog to BloggersCompete.com so I could enter blogging competitions. I was really excited to read the confirmation email from the owner of BloggerCompete, my blog was accepted! Accepting a blog like mine is rare, since they usually feature technology and marketing blogs. I am grateful, thank you.

The contest I'm entering in is called "5 ways ______ is like ______."
Here are the official rules:

"Replace the first blank with anything you want and replace the second blank with either blogging or something related to blogging/entrepreneurship/SEO/SEM/internet marketing/affiliate marketing."

"Winner will be determined on a point system. A score will be given out of 50 for the quality of the post and that will result in points. For example a 40/50 will result in 40 points. Each Facebook like, tweet and +1 gives you a point each. Every comment on your post gives you 1 point each. The entry with the highest number of points will win this contest."

I've chosen to write about my methods of becoming a blogger using strategic planning.

5 ways strategic planning is like blogging.

1.  The intent (plan) of any good blogging site is to communicate a specific topic.

To start a blog, one must decide on the subject matter. The subject and quality of content will determine the fan-base and it's growth. Even in our busy lives, we still find time to read a review, a list of facts or simply the opinions of others online. However, most of us do not have the time of day for online emo diaries found on sites like LiveJournal. Perhaps this is why hosting sites such as Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr have recently dominated. Each post should have a goal, a plan to communicate to fans or new visitors.

2.  The writer for the “Jackie” blog designs the daily/weekly post in a strategic manor to meet the objective (plan).

The goal of Jackie At The Mall is to entertain. However, keeping an audience interested is one of the most difficult objectives of an entertainer. This happens to be even more difficult for the medium of blogging. The subject of each post must be luring; yet, the content (pictures, words and video) must be witty for the limited time and patience of online readers today. The truth is, people don't want to read eight paragraphs regardless of the subject matter. The content must be concise, simple and right to the point. Whether a blogger is recommending a new camcorder or if a blogger is simply poking fun at modern-day culture, it must follow a plan in order for readers to "Like" and recommend to their friends on Facebook, Twitter or even link it to their own blog. 

3.  The various articles and photos are purposefully chosen to accentuate the communication plan for the specific topic.

One may write a condensed summary of an article and post it on their blog, thus appealing to those who only have the time and patience for the punch-line. It is perfectly acceptable to borrow a picture used in the article, if the post is properly sited or linked to the site of origin. Using the original site's name in the "keywords" section will also generate traffic. However, people aren't searching for the SparkNotes of CNN.com - summarizing an article without personal creative flare will not generate the traffic numbers the professional blogger is seeking to obtain. As a blogger, one must celebrate the concept of individuality; one must write as an individual.   

4.  The writer for the “Jackie” blog  strategically researches the Interwebs to document objective facts that can be utilized to support and produce subjective opinions; which result in open communication via comments and feedback from the blog site fan-base.    

Research is the core of blogging. The research used for a new post must have a few facts, pictures or videos to prove a point. Otherwise, it is only opinion and subjective opinions of faceless bloggers do not carry any credibility. Even in my celebrity satire blog, I try to include facts, pictures or videos for my audience. I may suggest an individualized opinion on the evidence provided; but ultimately, it is left up to my readers to judge for themselves. Occasionally, I try to push the boundaries and as a result, I have received a few comments on my blog from unhappy readers. Some people took my words wrong and didn't realize the intent was purely humorous-sarcasm; while others have responded in a harsh-tone. Either way, I received a response from my audience. An old boss told me: "If you're not pissing-off at least one person a day, you're not doing your job." Whether it's good or bad, comments are comments.... besides, this is the internet.

5.  The writer’s intent (plan) for this social media blogging site is to communicate satire and humor for the purpose of entertainment.

Professional Bloggers must never take negative comments seriously. Blogging is mainly for fun and to be entertaining. If one is able to write a successful blog, generate thousands if not millions of views and possibly make some money off of it - that's something to be proud of; especially if the character blog is filled with satire, sarcasm and everything humorous - it's for the lulz, as they say. The next step of my blog would be some kind of web series portraying my character "Jackie", I hope to achieve that goal one day. Becoming a YouTube personality is very difficult, as online viewers are extremely fickle. Online celebritdom is fleeting to say the least, but establishing a website or blog is a medium to promote an individual brand strategy.

If you are so inclined to vote for me, please "Like" my Facebook page, "Recommend" to your friends, click +1, and give me your honest opinion in a comment below. Feel free to ask me questions on Formspring!

The Creater of Jackie At The Mall

This article is part of a blogging contest on Bloggers Compete. It is a blogging contest site that lets Bloggers to get paid and promoted. The site is looking for bloggers who want to create contests and engage with bloggers.

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