don't do this! |
Obviously, this was a mistake.
This individual, sitting at a near by table, was eating with his mouth open for all to see, causing his lips to smack. He was extending his large food-soiled tongue out to greet every fork-full of food. As he attempted to reach his mouth with the helping of food, he would drop particles back onto his plate. He did not have a napkin in his lap, nor was he sitting upright. He continued to wipe his mouth with his sleeve or the back of his hand. He was sitting squarely on his chair but he was hunched-over the table and his plate. His left arm curved around his plate, as if to guard it. This is always reminiscent of a Neanderthal attempting to protect its food from enemy attack. He only held his fork in his right hand utilizing the tight-fisted, scooping method. His dinning companion quickly attempted to snatch a few French fries from his plate, but was surprised by the low thunderous growls coming from his throat as if gnashing his teeth. As he made this aggressive move towards his companion, we noticed several small food particles flying through the air propelled by his tongue. He slurped and gulped more of his beverage, followed by more belching and hacking. As he smiled at the waiter, he had a massive amount of indistinguishable food stuck between his teeth. Even though, we were all shocked by this horrible spectacle; it was impossible to look away. Not only did this ill-mannered individual ruin the enjoyment of our dinning experience on this occasion, but this type of bad behavior and improper manners tends to happen quite often these days.
As a repulsed individual, I recommend the following.
Jackie ^_^
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