Rihanna is see-through, Justin Bieber is a NASCAR driver, Kristen Stewart gets a fender bender and Miley Cyrus gets a new tattoo.

Hey bitches!

"Does my ass look fat?"

Some one's a whore... if she were at the beach, this would be perfectly acceptable. However, this is not the case. Is anyone else sick of her red hair?

"What can I say, I'm Canadian!"

Justin, you are not a NASCAR driver... please stop playing dress-up, you are such a poser.

"ughrefjdsgjgb have a good day!"

Opps, sorry Kristen! It looks like the chick with the ugly poop colored station wagon rammed into Kristen's mini, but I'm not sure. Either way, they're smiling at each other and no one is mad. This is great, perhaps Kristen is maturing after all.

Looks like Miley Cyrus got a new tattoo, it looks like a dream catcher... is she even Native American? I've always found dream catchers and totum poles creepy as fuck. Please don't give me shit... my dad is Cherokee and Blackfoot, bitches!

"Opps! I feel a movement, mom grab a bucket... this is gonna be one fat deuce!"
I don't think that hotdog was kosher...

"I haven't eaten real food in years. I think my stomach is gonna explode!"
Are you fucking kidding me?

"Look mom, no gag reflexes!"
No really... what are you doing?

"I dropped that deuce and now, I'm 5 pounds lighter!"

Jackie ^_^

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